Friday, July 31, 2015

Vacationing without a Weight Gain

I'm on vacation with some AWESOME cooks/bakers in Sweden and getting home without a weight gain will be a challenge. Despite having great intentions, I have a difficult time.  Here I will share 5 easy strategies that I attempt to use to maintain my weight while vacationing.

Strolling with the Family in Gothenburg
First: I take the time to fit in some physical activities - mostly walking.  I make sure to do my morning stretching and if there is any gym equipment available I make sure to use it whenever I can - usually in the evenings. I always eat breakfast.  It might not be my usual egg whites & corn tortilla but it always includes a good portion of protein and a bit of fat along with coffee. This will sustain me so I don't get anxious about lunch.  Most of the time I'm successful at avoiding fried or creamy foods.

Full fat yogurt and black licorice ice cream are difficult for me to stay away from since I regards these as "vacation treats". That said,  I indulge in moderation! When someone bakes I will taste it! And enjoy every bite completely, without guilt! After all, so much of a vacation or a travel trip is about trying new cuisine.

But probably the most important strategy I employ is paring down my portions and consciously eating slower, both good habits to return home with (souvenirs? lol). The portion control is about weight watching but the slowing down is about prolonging the conversations, which is another wonderful part of vacationing with family and hearing about their lives after a meal.

So...I will return home in a couple of days to find out if I have some weight gain to work on or if I've really messed up.

In depth information about vacationing without a weight gain can be found here on the web:

Suzy Carol wrote a great post in mid July on how to travel healthy. 

John Wilson writes over at GetDadFit about surviving the "all inclusive holiday.  I have only tried one "intermittent fast" and that wasn't on a vacation.  I might use the IF a couple times after I return home.

And speaking of retuning home and getting back into the routine, Ellen Stefaine Bradshaw's (over at RunItLikeAMom) reentry sounds like it got off to a great start, which is so inspiring!

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